for me isn’t just a hobby it’s a way of life. The crochet is top of my list at
the moment and I am forever working on new ideas. My friends often bring me in broken
jewellery, buttons or items of clothing as they know I will have something in
mind. Nothing will go to waste. I even keep a notepad beside the bed as the
best ideas always seem to come just before I go to sleep, the “ten minute
madness” I like to call it. I also like to make jewellery and am dabbling with
the sewing machine at the moment, so watch this space for more new designs.
When you
buy from my site, you are buying handmade, you are buying Irish and in many
cases you are buying local. It’s not from a shop or a long production line,
it’s something I have put together once “she who must be obeyed” has gone to
bed and all the household chores are done. I appreciate each sale and should
anyone have any problem with their item, I would appreciate your honest
feedback and ask that you contact me so that any issues can be resolved.