
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Princess Dress for my own little Princess

Every little girl loves to dress up and my Isobel is no different. I have her a little bit spoilt she doesn't want the same one as everyone else. We have emerged from the tomboy phase and everything is now princess, pink and sparkles.

So with her request in hand I took to the internet to source fabric. I was so excited to find a fabric, containing most of the Disney Princesses.

Next task was to find pink and sparkly, so I bought some bright pink sparkly wool. I used simple granny squares to make the top of the dress, we had a few trials for size to make sure it was comfortable.

Then I added lining to the dress and sewed the materials together. I attached my crochet top to the bottom of the dress by hand sewing it. It really was a labour of love, as my patience and speed with sewing is something of a challenge (plus Isobel underfoot excited to get the dress on wasn't helping).

Finally it was well worth, the research, sourcing and sewing to see her face when she put the dress on, and the burst of pride when someone says her dress is lovely and she replies "My Mommy made it" makes it all worthwhile.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

It takes balls!!!

Literally it takes a lot of balls to keep this business going. I have wool stashed everywhere.

My latest investment was a kitchen dresser with glass doors on the front to keep my collection nice and clean. Also I love all the colours and textures and believe they should be on display and not packed away in some dreary corner.

I plan on emptying it all out in the near future and painting the dresser to make my wool collection even more of a feature in our home.

And no matter how many balls of wool you have, you are constantly buying as some colours have more use than others and popularity can vary. Like for instance I went through about 30 balls of neon yellow wool when Minion mania took over last year. It was not a colour I had ever imagined buying in bulk.

I try work ahead of time especially for school time and then Christmas Markets, usually starting a stock of hats in August to be decorated later in the year.

Ive also accumulated a lot of embellishments such as ribbons and buttons.